Our Objectives

To conduct research in the fields of physiology, pathology, medicine, food and nutrition, and allied sciences in the field of Ancient Tamil Science.

Specialized research in the fields of molecular science, bimolecular value, and toxicology in order to develop products for sustainable living.

By conducting research and development on water management technologies and encouraging rural communities to practise sustainable agriculture through natural farming
The Journey Of Discovery
After having completed Post Graduation in Psychology between 1976-1981 at Presidency College Chennai under Madras University, Dr.C.K.Nanadagopalan, fondly called as Dr.CKN, felt no curriculum education needed and turned into a businessman from the year 1982.
Dr.CKN has always had a strong desire for meaningful education. After being born into a Tamil household, this thirst sparked an interest in studying the traditional Tamil Life Science. Dr.CKN founded the Revolution Research Foundation with his brother C.K.Premkumar in 1987, which was entirely self-funded.To reach even more milestones, the research foundation has been renamed TAMIL SCIENCE RESEARCH TRUST.

Dr. C.K.Nandagopalan
Psychologist, Molecular Scientist, Innovator